
How to Start Working On Your Biography – A Guide for Newbie Writers

If you want to write your life story and share it with other people but are having second thoughts about it, you should know that humans are built to share stories and understand life and the meaning of life altogether. The best way to understand life is through sharing stories with others and hearing other’s stories.

On that note, it makes perfect sense to write a biography, as today, writing and publishing a book has become easier than ever before. 

Why to Write Your Life Story – AKA Bibliography

You should write a biography or your life story if you believe that you have the wisdom to share stemming from your childhood or something that happened in your adulthood, such as the loss of your loved one. You might as well want to share a triumph that you accomplished so that other people can learn and grow from it. 

If life is telling you to share your story with the world, there is a reason, and you need to follow it if you don’t have the time to get your masterpiece onto paper, choose one of the best biography writers for hire who can help you turn your story into a publishable draft. 

Think About Your Life Moments 

When you are writing your life story, you are essentially relating the moments of your life. The moments that are relevant to a particular theme or a particular slice of life that you want to share with your ideal readers will make your biography. 

You will be presenting those scenes to your reader in a particular order. Before you start jotting down those scenes, you need to be clear about the moments that those scenes are essentially made up of. 

Let Go of Anxiety

Let go of any anxiety that you might feel about not knowing where your story starts and where it is supposed to end. You might as well feel anxious about what exactly you are supposed to include in your life story. Understand that once you start working on your draft, everything will fall into place in good time.

Eventually, as you start jotting down those moments that are part of that slice of your life that you are sharing with your readers, you will see that everything will come together like pieces of a puzzle that will create a big picture. 

Set Aside Some Quiet Time

Start by setting aside at least thirty minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time. This aspect might mean that you need to go to a coffee shop, or you might have to put a sign on the door that states “Do Not Disturb.” Whatever you need to do, be sure to get that sacred time and set it aside from work, friends, family, and other obligations. 

Choose Your Writing Tools

Choose something other than your computer to write on. When it comes to the ideal writing tools for your biography, we recommend using pen and paper. The moment the pen hits the page, something magical happens. The moment you write the first line, you feel so much more confident as a writer. 

You might want to see this as an exercise for writing your life story and choose pen and paper as the medium of writing.

You can also get a large piece of paper or a poster board. 

Make A List of A Hundred Moments

Once you have your writing tools ready, make a list of one to one hundred. You don’t need a lot of space to write because you are just going to be giving yourself one little clue or one little line of writing that will remind you of a particular moment of your life. 

So, it can be one line that describes that particular moment. Then, set your timer for half an hour or twenty minutes. 

Let Your Stream of Consciousness Out

Give yourself half an hour to let your stream of consciousness out. You are not supposed to think incredibly hard about what you are putting down on the page. As a matter of fact, at this point, you are not going to decide whether or not you are actually going to include these moments in your biography.

At this point, you are only trying to get the juices flowing and reminding yourself of all of the interesting moments or phases that you had in your lifetime. 

You Can Go Back to Time When You Were Little 

When doing this exercise, when you are jotting down one hundred moments, you can go back to the time when you were little – even as little as two or three years old. It can be your first memory that you have of being little. 

On the other hand, you can also go all the way up to jotting down a memory of something that happened last week. You get the point: you are only letting your stream of consciousness flow by creating a list of one hundred memories.

When writing down one hundred moments, you are actually opening up a vault within yourself with all the interesting moments that you have had in your life. Remember that you will do this within half an hour, which is why you aren’t supposed to think incredibly hard at this point.

Include Sensory Memories – Not Just Actions

When jotting down memories, you don’t need to filter as you can write down memories about a smell, a sight, a taste – just anything. You can write down the smell of your grandmother’s pancakes. You might as well remember the feeling of your feet walking on the grass. 

These will be moments of your life that are specific to a sense. Now, you see how this exercise will help you decide which slice of life you would want to share. Remembering one memory will open the portal to all aspects, such as feelings and actions around that one memory. 

Choose Your Story Worthy Memory

After you have jotted down the list of memories, you should let it sit for a day and get back to it the next day. Go through the list and circle the memories that have the most juice or energy. There is a great chance that you might choose a memory that you are ashamed of sharing with the world, or you might choose one that feels shameful to you, or one that simply makes your heart open.

Circle the memories that feel alive and take those memories to your next writing session. Select one summary of those memories and turn it into the first draft of your biography. 

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